Productive, versatile and highly technological

Designed for separating different-sized materials directly on-site, Simex VSE screening bucket stand out for their easy loading, ease of use and high productivity.The exclusive patent allows the rapid adjustment of output size of the screened material in only seconds, via a control in the operator cabin.

CBA asphalt granulator buckets are specifically designed for the volumetric reduction of asphalt slabs or other aggregates directly on site. The cylindric drum composed of interchangeable teeth is activated by direct-drive high-displacement radial piston motors.
The back-grille determines the size of the spoil piece and it is available in different setup. The result is a reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) with a certifiable and measurable granulometry.
Automatic system inverts the rotation of the drum in case of blocking, granting high productivity and avoiding downtimes.

Designed to reduce the volume of aggregates directly on site, CBE crusher buckets with rotor system provide optimal performance when working with iron, rock, soil or deformable parts, and wet or humid materials.
Ideal for crushing reinforced concrete and demolition waste: the exceptional cutting force allows any material to be crushed. The rotor with teeth is activated by high-displacement radial piston motors in direct drive and does not suffer the presence of iron rods.

Designed to reduce the volume of aggregates directly on site, CB crusher buckets for front loaders and skid steers, thanks to the rotor system, give optimal performance when working with iron, rock, soil and deformable parts, even damp or wet.
Ideal for crushing reinforced concrete and demolition waste: the exceptional cutting force allows any material to be crushed. The rotor with teeth is activated by high-displacement radial piston motors in direct drive.

Designed for separating materials of different sizes directly on site, Simex VS screening bucket - for loader and skid steer - stands out for its easy loading, ease of use and high productivity.
Specific for the selection of waste material deriving from demolitions and excavations, it is also suitable for mixing soils for the subsequent recovery or reclamation.